Toll Brothers Inc.

Symbol: TOL     Sector: Consumer Cyclical     Industry: Homebuilding & Construction

Dividend Yield
Current Price
Info     Dividend Rate History     Earnings     Financials     Rankings

Dividend Rankings

ValueLimitationRankOut of
Dividend Yield1.19 %All common stocks23112743
Consumer Cyclical220267
Homebuilding & Construction69
Dividend Rate0.44All common stocks20242743
Consumer Cyclical193267
Homebuilding & Construction49

Financial Rankings

ValueLimitationRankOut of
Market Cap5,347,647,900All common stocks7792743
Consumer Cyclical99267
Homebuilding & Construction49
Earnings per Share (TTM)4.89All common stocks3132743
Consumer Cyclical112267
Homebuilding & Construction49
Return on Equity16.39 %All common stocks7122743
Consumer Cyclical112267
Homebuilding & Construction49