MetLife Inc.

Symbol: MET     Sector: Financial Services     Industry: Insurance - Life

Dividend Yield
Current Price
Info     Dividend Rate History     Earnings     Financials     Rankings

Dividend Rankings

ValueLimitationRankOut of
Dividend Yield3.48 %All common stocks12442743
Financial Services6511134
Insurance - Life518
Dividend Rate1.76All common stocks4872743
Financial Services1091134
Insurance - Life418

Financial Rankings

ValueLimitationRankOut of
Market Cap45,931,350,492All common stocks1892743
Financial Services421134
Insurance - Life318
Earnings per Share (TTM)5.39All common stocks2622743
Financial Services5371134
Insurance - Life1018
Return on Equity9.26 %All common stocks14502743
Financial Services5371134
Insurance - Life1018