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Symbol: KBH     Sector: Consumer Cyclical     Industry: Homebuilding & Construction

Dividend Yield
Current Price
Info     Dividend Rate History     Earnings     Financials     Rankings

Dividend Rankings

ValueLimitationRankOut of
Dividend Yield0.38 %All common stocks26802743
Consumer Cyclical261267
Homebuilding & Construction89
Dividend Rate0.10All common stocks25942743
Consumer Cyclical256267
Homebuilding & Construction99

Financial Rankings

ValueLimitationRankOut of
Market Cap2,313,410,567All common stocks11502743
Consumer Cyclical147267
Homebuilding & Construction69
Earnings per Share (TTM)2.71All common stocks7272743
Consumer Cyclical124267
Homebuilding & Construction69
Return on Equity14.03 %All common stocks8662743
Consumer Cyclical124267
Homebuilding & Construction69